To speed up the leads upload process we added a new feature โ mass upload and convert leads from the CSV file. Also, we updated convert back to leads functionality. See details about version 1.11 below.
Mass Upload and Convert Leads from the CSV file in Salesforce
Using a new tab “Mass Convert from CSV” you can upload leads to Salesforce and convert them automatically. Before uploading it’s possible to validate all leads before creation. In case of any error, you can see a validation response from the system and then ignore invalid records from the convert process. Quick and easy.
A few considerations:
- Max 1000 records per file
- Column headers should be valid lead fields API names
Custom Fields Mapping for Convert Accounts and Contacts back to Leads
In version 1.9 we added the functionality to convert Accounts and Contacts back to Leads (read more in our Help Center). In this release, we extended this feature with custom fields mapping. Previously it was possible to convert back to leads with the standard mapping only.
๐ Bugs fixed
- Blink Settings: The user could delete himself and continue using the app
โ๏ธ Work in progress
๐ Add buttons to layouts from a single screen
๐ In-App Guidance for the settings page
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